Recent Past Conference Articles from the Stained Glass Quarterly
Year | Convention City | Article |
2022 | Toledo, OH | Summary from Summer 2022 SGQ (opens new window) |
2019 | San Antonio, TX | Summary from Summer 2019 SGQ (opens new window) (plus Helen Whittaker's talk, the Manufacturer's Forum, & more) |
2018 | Long Beach, CA | Summary from Summer 2018 SGQ (opens new window) |
2017 | Raleigh, NC | Summary from Fall 2017 SGQ (opens new window) |
2016 | Evanston, IL | Summary from Summer 2016 SGQ (opens new window) |
2015 | Portland, OR | Summary from Fall 2015 SGQ (opens new window) |
Convention Location History 1903 – 1939
Between 1903 and 1939, we missed a handful of conferences in the 1930's. In an article published 81 years ago in the Winter 1936-37 issue of Stained Glass: A Quarterly Devoted to the Craft of Painted and Stained Glass, a plea went out to our membership:
“How could the glassman educate his public? How could he help buyers and their advisors the architects to gain a genuine working knowledge of the craft? How could real values be made to replace the accidental and the whimsical in designs and prices together? Such questions were certainly among the influences that led to the founding of the Association that eventually became the Stained Glass Association of America.
"They are live questions now and first among them is still the consideration of good will and the understanding that follows friendly association. So we come naturally to an issue we have long avoided. When shall we have the long postponed national convention in Boston? It has been put off from year to year in response to sentiments implied and expressed by many of our members. So its consideration should also be left to those same members.
"A call for a convention that could be a simple and inexpensive meeting together once more would enhearten [sic] and encourage both officers and members. Who can get along as he should in any Association without seeing the faces of his fellow members and without sharing ideas and convictions, man to man, upon reasonably frequent occasions?”
Year | Convention City | President |
1903 | Columbus, OH | Joseph E. Flanagan |
1904 | Pittsburgh, PA | Joseph E. Flanagan |
1905 | Philadelphia, PA | Joseph E. Flanagan |
1906 | Cincinnati, OH | Joseph E. Flanagan |
1907 | Boston, MA | Karl Steward |
1908 | St. Louis, MO | Karl Steward |
1909 | Cleveland, OH | E. W. Smith |
1910 | New York, NY | W. G. Speier |
1911 | Pittsburgh, PA | H. H. Jacoby |
1912 | St. Louis, MO | H. H. Jacoby |
1913 | Columbus, OH | Karl Steward |
1914 | Detroit, MI | Charles Donaldson |
1915 | Toledo, OH | Charles Donaldson |
1916 | Milwaukee, WI | Frederick Lamb |
1917 | New York, NY | Henry Hunt |
1918 | Chicago, IL | Henry Hunt |
1919 | Buffalo, NY | A. H.Rossbach |
1920 | Indianapolis, IN | A. J. Schuler |
1921 | Toledo, OH | D. H. Swinton |
1922 | Cincinnati, OH | W. E. Ford |
1923 | Detroit, MI | A. W. Klemme |
1924 | New York, NY | George Mueller |
1925 | Pittsburgh, PA | George Mueller |
1926 | Washington, DC | Henry Hunt |
1927 | St. Louis, MO | Fred Oppliger |
1928 | Chicago, IL | Fred Oppliger |
1929 | Philadelphia, PA | Nicola D'Ascenzo |
1930 | New York, NY | Nicola D'Ascenzo |
1931 | Detroit, MI | Charles J. Connick |
1932 | None | Charles J. Connick |
1938-1939 | Boston, MA | Wilbur H. Burnham |

Convention Location History 1940 – 1980
Between 1940 and 1980, the organization did not miss a single annual conference and stuck to and made some fairly notable overseas trips together.
A recap of the Summer Conference in the Fall issue of the SGQ that year starts out:
“If it was togetherness you craved, the 1965 SGAA Conference (June 22-25) had it in abundance. Genial hosts Harold and Alma Rams arranged for the El Antonio Hotel to billet all delegates together around its back-patio pool so no one would miss out on any of the fun. The ORCO Studio and Benesco Co.'s hospitality suites occupied central ground floor positions and were open and operating round-the-clock. And the program was planned that most every minute was filled with activity.
"Early arrivals began coming in on Saturday, and a gay crowd (sic) was on hand at the airport to meet President Crosby Willet and family when they arrived Sunday afternoon. Latin-American troubadours, complete with guitars and sombreros provided an appropriate musical welcome to San Antonio, in the heart of Texas…"
Year | Convention City | President |
1940 | New York, NY | Wilbur H. Burnham |
1941 | Huntington, WV | Wilbur H. Burnham |
1942 | New York, NY | Henry Lee Willet |
1943 | None | Henry Lee Willet |
1944 | New York, NY | Harold W. Cummings |
1945 | New York, NY | Harold W. Cummings |
1946 | Chicago, IL | Harold Rambusch |
1947 | Yosemite, CA | Harold Rambusch |
1948 | Pittsburgh, PA | Orin E. Skinner |
1949 | Quebec, Canada | Orin E. Skinner |
1950 | Milwaukee, WI | Rupert Schmitt |
1951 | Mexico City, MEX | Rupert Schmitt |
1952 | St. Louis, MO | George Hunt |
1953 | New York City, NY | George Hunt |
1954 | Cincinnati, OH | Karl B. Lamb |
1955 | Miami Beach, FL | Karl B. Lamb |
1956 | Boston, MA | Wilbur H. Burnham, Jr. |
1957 | Sun Valley, ID | Wilbur H. Burnham, Jr. |
1958 | Philadelphia, PA | John D. Weaver, Sr. |
1959 | Los Angeles, CA | John D. Weaver, Sr. |
1960 | Cleveland, OH | George D. Spiers |
1961 | San Juan, PR | George D. Spiers |
1962 | Washington, DC | John A. Riordan |
1963 | Denver, CO | John A. Riordan |
1964 | New York, NY | E. Crosby Willet |
1965 | San Antonio, TX | E. Crosby Willet |
1966 | Oak Brook, IL | Otto C. Winterich |
1967 | Montreal, Canada | Otto C. Winterich |
1968 | San Francisco, CA | Stephen Bridges |
1969 | Ashville, NC | Stephen Bridges |
1970 | St. Louis, MO | Harold L. Hollman |
1971 | Nantucket, MA | Harold L. Hollman |
1972 | Milwaukee, WI | A. W. Klemme, Jr. |
1973 | Savannah, GA | A. W. Klemme, Jr. |
1974 | Columbus, OH | James Helf |
1975 | Lake Tahoe, CA | James Helf |
1976 | Philadelphia, PA | Patrick White |
1977 | Dallas, TX | Patrick White |
1978 | Minneapolis, MN | Helen Hickman |
1979 | Seattle, WA | Helen Hickman |
1980 | Kansas City, MO | John Kebrle |

Convention Location History 1981 – present
Until 2020, the SGAA continued to meet annually with no exceptions until the Summer 2020 conference was cancalled due to COVID-19 Global Pandemic. In that time we have been excited to explore new partnerships and joint conferences.
"Getting together with friends old and new is always refreshing and inspiring. I come away from each conference feeling enriched, having learned something new and always practical, something I can put into use in my everyday business."
—B.J.S, Texas
"Thank you SO much for the scholarship to Ralph Mills’ Restoration class and the Conference! I am so inspired!!! I never thought I would have any use for any of this glass laminating or fusing because “I do traditional work.” I now can’t wait to take glass laminating, painting, fusing, and plating classes! I have so many new ideas and an awakened enthusiasm for the glass arts!
"I am sitting here looking at my name badge smiling ear to ear. It was so nice to meet everyone and make what I hope are lifetime connections. What an amazing group of glass artists! I felt very honored to attend the conference and class.
"Learning about how to use Hextal and how to wire-tie properly in Ralph’s class gave me the confidence to be able to approach a restoration job properly! I read and research things but the interactive class was invaluable! Thanks again!"
—L.E.M., California
Year | Convention City | President |
1981 | Boulder, CO | John Kebrle |
1982 | Mackinac Island, MI | Bill Laws |
1983 | Palo Alto, CA | Bill Laws |
1984 | Jekyll Island, GA | Gerhard Hiemer |
1985 | Toronto, Canada | Gerhard Hiemer |
1986 | St. Louis, MO | Elizabeth Perry |
1987 | Corning, NY | Elizabeth Perry |
1988 | Indianapolis, IN | Walter Judson |
1989 | Portland, OR | Walter Judson |
1990 | Albuquerque, NM | Florence Welborn |
1991 | Washington, DC | Paul Pickel |
1992 | Chicago, IL | Paul Pickel |
1993 | Pasadena, CA | Truett George |
1994 | St. Louis, MO | Truett George |
1995 | Pittsburgh, PA | Gary Helf |
1996 | Nashville, TN | Gary Helf |
1997 | Spokane, WA | Kirk Weaver |
1998 | Houston, TX | Kirk Weaver |
1999 | Jacksonville, FL | James Whitney |
2000 | Milwaukee, WI | James Whitney |
2001 | Seattle, WA | Dennis Harmon |
2002 | Nashville, TN | Dennis Harmon |
2003 | St. Augustine, FL | Karen Hendrix |
2004 | Boston, MA | Karen Hendrix |
2005 | Denver, CO | Andrew Young |
2006 | Louisville, KY | Andrew Young |
2007 | Charlotte, NC | B. Gunar Gruenke |
2008 | Oakland, CA | B. Gunar Gruenke |
2009 | Oklahoma City, OK | Jack Whitworth III |
2010 | Kansas City, MO | Jack Whitworth III |
2011 | Syracuse, NY | Jerome R. Durr |
2012 | Kansas City, MO | Jerome R. Durr |
2013 | Indianapolis, IN | Susan Shea |
2014 | Excelsior Springs, MO | Susan Shea |
2015 | Portland, OR | Kathy Barnard |
2016 | Evanston, IL | Kathy Barnard |
2017 | Raleigh, NC | David D. Judson |
2018 | Long Beach, CA | David D. Judson |
2019 | San Antonio, TX | David D. Judson |
2020 | <cancelled due to COVID-19 Global Pandemic> |
2021 Virtual Events
2022 Toledo, OH David D. Judson
2023 Buffalo, NY Bryant J. Stanton