Phone: 412-921-2500
Website: (opens new window)
160 Warden Street
The Artist and the Craftsman working hand in hand has long been the mark of Pittsburgh Stained Glass Studios. For more than a century this collaboration between artisans has lead to the creation of thousands of high quality, artistically superior, stained glass, leaded glass, and faceted glass windows throughout the United States.
Examples of our work are always available for viewing at our studios or can be seen in prestigious National Landmark buildings and hundreds of churches throughout the country.
We welcome the opportunity to have you inspect our work and interview our clients, as each bears testimony to our responsibility to excellence. Our craftsmen are well trained, capable, conscientious, and of the highest standing in their profession. The reputation of the studio behind them offers you the most positive assurance of satisfaction. Our work is sold on a record of merit. You may be sure that every representation made will be faithfully fulfilled and that your completed windows will be a source of enduring pride and satisfaction.
We have taken our work seriously; not permitted the prospect of commercial profit to dull our feeling of responsibility and remain committed to being good stewards of the centuries-old tradition of the art and craft of stained glass window making. In the end, only the good will survive, and our long-term success is contingent upon the fidelity with which we hold fast to our ideals.
In addition to designing new stained glass windows, Pittsburgh Stained Glass Studios is a leader in the restoration, conservation, preservation, and protection of stained glass windows. Over the past several decades we have returned hundreds of historic stained glass windows to their original glory.
Great Lakes, North East, and East Coast regions: Pennsylvania, New York, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Vermont, Maine, Massachusets, New Hampshire, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, North Carolina, Tennessee
The record of our accomplishments is written in thousands of churches, public buildings, and residences throughout the country. We take pride in the belief that we have made a permanent and enduring contribution to the creation of original stained glass art, and to the preservation of stained glass art created by others.